The Plans He Has For Us…

With very heavy hearts, we are sad to inform you that yesterday baby boy’s birth parents disappeared from where they were staying (agency housing) and left a note stating that they couldn’t go through with the adoption. The note was handwritten on a notepad and was written by the father. I strongly believe he is the reason for this sudden change. He is only 27, and this is his first child, which he discussed in his note. Our caseworker said that Sunday, she discussed picking up birth mom for her appointment on Tuesday, and she believed they were solid about the adoption. Well, yesterday morning, the security guard at the housing complex called to say that the car they had been driving had its tires slashed and the windows busted in. When our caseworker went to check it out, she found the apartment vacated and a note on the table—no clue as to what happened to their car.

Please pray for this sweet baby. Before the agency housing, his parents were living in their car, had no money or jobs, and used drugs. Now, we can only assume they are again homeless and whenever, wherever he is born, it will not be into a stable environment (which is what they both said they were looking for at the beginning).

We know that our son or daughter is out there; it just wasn’t this baby. We know God’s plans for us are far greater than we can imagine. The hardest part now will be having to wait to see that plan unfold when we were so close to bringing home our child. We are still processing this loss but are also looking to move forward.

So what now?

We have spoken to our agency caseworker and with our consultant. They have both advised us to immediately start seeing potential cases again, even as we are grieving. The downside is we have lost our “at-risk” funds; this is the $10,000 that was spent on birth mom and dad’s food and living expenses. Thankfully the $20,000 match fee will roll over to our next match, but it has to be with this agency. So, we will only be seeing cases from them instead of multiple agencies like we were at the beginning of this journey (fewer agencies, fewer cases). Thankfully everyone on both sides (agency and consultants) is eager to see us rematched quickly. We will also have priority for “stork drops”, meaning cases where a baby has already been born, and both our caseworker and consultant will be seeking out cases just for us and will be telling our story.

In the meantime, please be praying for us as we deal with what’s ahead. That we can get rematched quickly and be able to fill our now fully prepped nursery. We aren’t sure what our additional costs will look like with a new match, but we will let everyone know what we need, and we will do our best to keep everyone updated. Please be assured that all of the funds we have raised so far will be going towards our next match. We appreciate everyone’s love and support both financially and emotionally, and we look forward to updating you with our rematch soon.

With love,

Tiffany and Aaron

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” -Jeremiah 29:11


His Mercies Never Cease…


12 Days!