Our Story

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We first met in 2006 through mutual family friends and quickly struck up a strong friendship built on communication, mutual respect, and of course, attraction. Our feelings grew, and we went on our first date on Valentine's day (2008). Four years later, we were married (May 5, 2012).

Over the past eight years, we have traveled together and gone on many adventures. We love being around each other and doing everything together. We enjoy drinking coffee, watching movies, listening to music, and going on walks. We have carried each other through bad times and good times. Even though we have loved every minute of it just being the two of us, we have been longing to grow our family.

For the past three years, we have walked through the heart-wrenching journey of unexplained infertility. After countless doctor's appointments, long conversations, many tears, and lots of prayers, we have come to a crossroads. Together, we strongly feel God's call to stop fertility treatments, and we are beyond excited to announce that we are adopting! We are doing everything we can to prepare to welcome a beautiful new life into our home.

As part of our adoption process, we have started a crowdfunding campaign. It surprises most to hear how expensive adoption can be. The average domestic infant adoption costs around $55,000+. We have set a goal of $50,000 per the budget we were told to prepare for by our consultants. We also plan to apply for other grants and save as much as we can ourselves along the way. We hope that by inviting you to be apart of our adoption journey, you will see yourself as part of the community we hope to build around our child as he or she grows up.